Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday Report

I'm trying to work up my enthusiasm to clean the kitchen. I tackled the mudroom earlier (straightened the shoes, swept up the dust, crammed all the newspaper bags into one big bag, kicked Will's lacrosse equipment into the Man's study), because I always feel neat and orderly when the mudroom is neat and orderly. But the kitchen is a bigger, badder job. Still, after the mudroom, it's the spot that gives me the most bang for my cleaning buck. A clean, shiny kitchen hums "La-dee-da, all my ducks are in a row," every time you walk through.

But it's so much work to clean it, especially after Jack's been cooking. Jack made a lemon tart for French class (they're doing a unit on food right now) last night. He's getting better about doing the dishes after he makes his pies, but still doesn't understand the concept of wiping down a counter. So there will be lots of sticky stuff to contend with.

Speaking of Jack, he turned thirteen last Friday. It's a big deal, except for the fact that he's been acting thirteen for three years now. He got a new bike and some computer stuff and some books. I don't think he said thank you for any of it. In fact, I don't think he's said thank you since he turned thirteen three years ago. We'll have to work on that.

Yesterday, on my walk I met my neighbors Kurt and Carolyn. They live next door to the garden pictured above (the one cultivated by shy people) and have quite an impressive garden themselves. Kurt told me he doesn't garden so much as collect plants. Here's a picture of a lily from somewhere in South America:

Here is the truth about Kurt and Lily: They are plant geeks. I mean that in the nicest possible way. You can just tell they think plants are the most interesting things in the world, and they talk about them in an informed and interesting way and then stop before you might get bored. I'm glad to know them.

The kitchen is calling me but I'm ignoring it.

This morning after my walk I decided to take a quick trip over to the Sarah P. Duke Gardens. I haven't been in ages, and this is the time of year to go. I thought I'd try to learn a bit more about the plants of my region and enjoy the flowers. And I did learn, and I did enjoy, but you know what? I prefer the gardens in my neighborhood, especially the messy, crazy ones. I'm not really an orderly person, when you get right down to it. Somebody better break the news to my kitchen.

So what are you doing this weekend? If you have the urge to clean somebody else's refrigerator, let me know. There's one sitting in my kitchen, and it's calling your name.


Pom Pom said...

I need to give my kitchen a lick and a promise, too. Yikes.
Pretty pictures!

Gumbo Lily said...

I finally scrubbed the kitchen floor today. I have been spending so much time outdoors that I have neglected my "indoors" responsibilities. Not that anyone is coming over to inspect, but sometimes it just feels good when things are in order, like you said. Now it's time to go back outdoors! My (messy, mish-mahs) gardens and yard are calling.

Tracy said...

My favourite gardens are the cottage styles ones that have plants going everywhere and there's not a clear spot for weeds to grow anywhere...where flowering shrubs blend together and there is something to see in every little space you look at. My garden is nothing like this because I ignore it completely.

Many years ago when I finally realised that *I* was the one who had to clean the kitchen (ie Mum wasn't going to come and clean up after me!) and that it was never *finished* I used the website to help me get a handle on my mess. She recommends starting with the kitchen sink and moving on from there. Inch by inch.

I'd clean your friend if I lived closer. It's always more fun to clean someone else's house. I know - let's swap. I'll come to your house and you can come to mine. I don't have an attic.....

GretchenJoanna said...

I also love to look at the homey and sometimes humble gardens of people I know even a little bit. When we visited the famous Buchart Gardens in Victoria BC many years ago, they were *too much* -- too much money, too many people planting hundreds of begonias in the begonia section, or updating the annual section, too many acres, etc. The world is full of wonderful plants, but the ones in my friends' gardens have more reason for me to love them.

Leslie said...

Happy birthday to Jack. No one in my family knows how to wipe down counters. I've been concentrating on training them to leave the disposal side of the sink empty. This requires the washing out of their dishes and placing them on the left side of the sink which apparently is so extremely difficult to do. They are really nice people, but they stink at caring about dirty dishes.

I really like the garden picture and can see why you like it so much. Have a happy weekend!

magsmcc said...

Your kitchen may well be caling my name but it better shout louder because brother, every room in this house is screaming it too! And Rev. Jane is coming for dinner on Monday and three Americans, one aged one, are coming to stay for a week soon, and the voices better stop- make them stop!!!