Friday, September 11, 2015

A Friday Story

Just thought I'd share this picture of me at my fourth birthday party.
 My hair used to be jet black! No more!

Travis and I were on our morning walk when we ran into our neighbor Lib, whose path we don't often cross. Lib lives on Montgomery Street, looks to be in her early 80s, and has one of those beautiful, deeply cultured southern voices that make me think of Episcopal churches and Chanel No. 5. Though we see her infrequently, she is always friendly. I'm not convinced she remembers having met us before, but that's okay.

On this particular meeting, Lib asked me where I was from originally, and I gave my standard answer, which is not geographic in nature but gets the point across, "Army brat."

"You must be from North Carolina," I said, and she nodded yes. "I'm from Wadesboro, not far from Charlotte," she told me. "I grew up in the town's funeral home and didn't leave home until I went to the women's college in Greensboro."

We were standing across the street from one another, Travis sniffing around in the leaves, me hoping he wouldn't find a dead mouse to roll around in.

"I was so homesick when I left home for college," Lib continued, "but the rule at the college was that you couldn't leave for the first six weeks. Oh, I just felt awful! So one day, around the fifth week, I put on my hat and my gloves and I marched downtown to a funeral parlor and knocked on the door. When a man answered, I fell into his arms sobbing. He of course thought that someone had died. 'No!' I wailed. 'I just want to see some caskets!' So he let me in, and then I felt much better."

Whenever you're tempted to skip your daily stroll around the block, remember, there's a good story around every corner. Get walking!


magsmcc said...

There is, but as I have discovered in the last two weeks of attempting to walk instead of drive, at least in the car you get to the church prayer meeting/local crochet group on time because you haven't stopped at every corner to listen to the great stories!

Tracy said...

That is quite a funny scenario!!! Unimaginable without the history!

I think I am about to start walking again, it is nearly light enough at 5.30am when I would need to be heading out. Nearly. Maybe I'll start next week when it is school holidays and I can get to the point where I pretend I enjoy it before I add in the 5.30am start?

Pom Pom said...

What a cutie you were (are!) and you don't look much different now!

magsmcc said...

Frances, for you not only would I be accommodating, I might even dust. Make sure you come over a afriday evening, my new favourite time of the week. Candles and tea...

Nancy McCarroll said...

You must like like one of those people with whom confidences can be shared. And what a strange story that Lib spilled out.

On my walks, it is hard to find one who will even share glances. Maybe my demeanor is off putting. I must think about that.

Kit said...

LOL! I loved the story. So true, you just do not know who you will meet and what they will say. That is what makes life interesting. :) Have a great weekend! Kit

Sandy H said...

Fantastic story--and what a moment to remember.